Men's health

Make a healthy change for Men’s Health Week!

The leading cause of death in Australian men is heart disease. And its not surprising considering the data from the recent Australian health survey:
– Two thirds of Australian men are overweight
– Men are twice as likely as women to have more than two standard drinks per day
– Fewer than 50% of Australian men were meeting the fruit guidelines and less than 5% of men met the vegetable guidelines

That’s just the highlight reel.

So, Aussie men, its time to make some changes if you want to live a longer and healthier life!1. Make some healthy swaps – switch up butter for avocado or hummus to watch your saturated fat and eat less meat. Choose wholegrain products which will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

2. Real men eat veggies. Look for ways to include some with every meal. We should all be eating a minimum of 5 or 6 serves of veggies a day. A single serve is about 1 cup of raw or half a cup of cooked veggies or legumes. Remember you don’t have to be eating salads to get there – you can roast them, turn them into soup or boost your favourite meal with extra grated veg in it.

3. Stick to two standard drinks on any one day. But just as importantly, aim to have at least one or more alcohol free days.

If you can address those three things, most of you will be halfway to decreasing your risk of one or more chronic diseases.

Miriam Pollak, CCHN Nutritionist